[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Jamie Currea Freedom & Freedom of Speech By Jamie Currea I have served most my adult life in the Armed Forces guarding those freedoms we have all grown accustomed to. This is why I feel it most important to speak out on this issue. We have always been told “freedom isn’t free”, well that may never be more true than right now. The latest telecommunications laws make freedom of speech on the internet a crime. While it is true that the medium allows those individuals who would commit criminal acts another avenue of approach to their victims, I can not agree with the suppression of free speech as the solution. I have seen a recent trend in law making as of the late to try to outlaw activities as a PREVENTION to problems, this never works. It’s like outlawing walking across the street to avoid people getting run over. Sounds logically at first, but upon further thought, never addresses the real problem, and it’s only real effect is to take freedom from the law abiders, those that that it is intended for, shun it! A healthy dose of common sense will allow anyone to realize this latest law simply doesn’t make sense. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]